Non-pensioners | The United Fund
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I’ve not taken my pension yet

This section of the website provides information for our non-pensioners. You may sometimes also hear yourself described as ‘deferred members’ – it just means your Fund pension is waiting for you to claim it.

Transfers and scams

As a deferred member of the United Fund, you have the option of transferring your benefits out to another registered pension arrangement. You can transfer your benefits to:

  • your new employer’s pension arrangement;
  • to an insurance company/provider; or
  • to another pension provider of your choice.

If you’re interested in exploring this option, please contact Aptia, who will be happy to provide you with a transfer value quotation. This will explain what other information you may need to provide. For example, you may need to take independent financial advice before the Trustee is allowed to let the transfer proceed.

Watch out for scams

The number of people being scammed out of their retirement savings is growing. Many people have been targeted by pension scams, which offer seemingly attractive ‘investment opportunities’ to encourage you to transfer your retirement savings into their funds. These scams could result in the loss of your entire retirement savings and you could also face significant tax penalties.  

To help you identify a scam and protect your retirement savings, the Financial Conduct Authority has launched an online tool so you can check that the firm you are dealing with is regulated and see if what you’re being offered is a known scam or has signs of a scam. Visit

Other useful websites where you can find out more information and details of what to look out for are:
Avoid or report pension scams – The Pensions Regulator 

Do not sign up for anything that you do not understand. If you have any doubts, you should contact Money Helper on 0800 011 3797.

We’ve made the pledge! 

Aptia, as administrator of the Fund, has signed up to the Pensions Regulator’s Scams Pledge. The Scams Pledge is a voluntary commitment made by the Fund which recognises the extra steps we will take to help protect members from scammers. By signing up, Aptia has pledged to raise awareness, educate and protect pension savers.

Still working for the Co-op?

If you’re still working for the Co-op, you might also have a pension in their main pension scheme, Pace. You can visit the Pace pensions website here. You may have the option of taking your United pension early (currently from the age of 55) and continuing to build up benefits in Pace. Contact Aptia if you’d like a quote.

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